Monday, January 28, 2013

My Own Personal Blogicize

1. Link to the person who tagged you  
Equine Lover
2. Post these rules on your blog
3. Tell about your six quirks, see below.
4. Tag three bloggers to do the same 
5. Leave them a comment to let them know you’ve tagged them

My six quirks:
1. I love to clean. I’m not quite sure where this love developed from, since I used to be afraid of throwing things out. However, now I clean daily. I always find something that needs to be cleaned and/or organized. The fact that my boyfriend is incredibly messy probably helps to fuel my love for cleaning.

2. My favorite food in the entire world is peanut butter. I put that stuff on almost everything because I’m convinced it has the ability to make anything taste better. Peanut butter has a permanent place on my grocery list because I go through a large container about every two weeks.

3. I have never played a sport. Okay, I played soccer for one year when I was in third grade… but the only goal I scored was for the other team. So I try my best to forget about that unfortunate goal. I’m so uncoordinated that no one would want me on their team.

4. I am a VERY sarcastic person. I’ve been told on multiple occasions that it’s hard to tell when I’m being serious. This doesn’t bother me much because I don’t view myself as a very serious person.

5. This one kind of ties into the last one. In the past year I’ve been trying not to let much bother me anymore. Growing up, I was uptight and stressed about everything in life. I used to have small panic attacks daily… no fun whatsoever! So, when I moved away for college I was a complete wreck. I missed my life back in the cities and was sad a lot. However, I decided one day that there was no point to being sad and life would be much better if I just relaxed and enjoyed things. Now, I’m more optimistic and happy with life. Bad stress is a thing of the past.

6. My last quirk is probably my craziest… hence putting it last. I love giving voices to animals and babies. Does that make sense? They can’t talk, so I figure, what the heck. I have a distinct voice for my dog Macaroni (yes, that is his actual name), my Chihuahua Ziggy, and my 4 month old nephew Riley. This sounds so nutty writing it down. My family and close friends know I enjoy doing this, so they let me. However, I don’t have an “off” button, so I give voices to random animals and babies… then I get the satisfaction of watching the owner of said animal or baby give me the strangest look. Does anyone else do this?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why I Write

Why do you write? At a glance this appears to be a simple question. However, if you really think about the true reason you write... it becomes much more difficult. For me, there are many different reasons behind why I write. I have loved to read and write since I was a little girl. I have also known for quite some time that I was eventually going to become a writer (of some sort). I write because I want to document my life. I also write to let out my emotions, to put my every thought down, and to clear up all thoughts floating around in my head. I hope to die with a pencil and paper in my hand and to give this world a story to read.