Tuesday, March 5, 2013

T-minus Seven Days

I can't believe I leave for Florida in exactly one week. I have never been to Florida... not even once. I have never seen the ocean, either. This trip involves many firsts. I'm driving the thirty hour drive with Jordan's mom, fourteen year old brother, and my Chihuahua. Go ahead, call me crazy. I'm calling myself crazy. But I can't wait. I get to leave this tundra and travel to a warm and sunny place. My online shopping habit has escalated the last few weeks.

The reason behind this trip is none other than baseball. Baseball fuels all of the trips I take. Jordan's college team is going and since this is his last year of college ball, it was basically a given that I was tagging along. His entire family is going, so hopefully everyone has a good time. My days will be filled with college baseball, Twins spring training games, beaches, and mouse ears. If I don't return to Minnesota, don't be too surprised.

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