Friday, May 3, 2013

Likes versus Dislikes

My Likes:
Being happy and maintaining a positive outlook; playing cards with my mom’s family; a full tank of gas; a clean apartment; reading comedians’ autobiographies; reading books written by Harlan Coben or Lisa Gardner; driving with the windows down; the first cup of coffee in the morning; thunderstorms; bubble baths; napping with my Chihuaha, Ziggy; painted nails; posters; having a lot of pillows and blankets on the bed; a fully-charged Nook; lighting incense; my boyfriend’s beard; watching baseball; playing the Sims 3 all night long; roadtrips; receiving generous tips at work; anything my dad cooks; anything my mom bakes; iced tea; making lists; having certain television shows I watch with my mom; watching comedies; collecting elephants like my grandma; grocery shopping; brand new pens; seat warmers in vehicles; playing video games with Jordan; sleeping in and staying up late; colorful rugs; vacuuming; Mountain Dew Baja Blast at Taco Bell; stuffed animals; The Tea Garden in Uptown Minneapolis; reading outside; going through a carwash; going out for breakfast; running outside; word-finds; watching HGTV; a picture-covered refrigerator; my sister’s homemade ice cream cake; picture frames; all of the fattening food sold at the State Fair; Christmas Eve; good-smelling shampoo; watching WWE; watching girly movies all day with my sister; my Tempur-pedic mattress; shimmery lotion; Victoria’s Secret sweatshirts; taking my dogs for walks; eating dessert first; crockpot food; handmade cards; laugh attacks; decorating for and celebrating every holiday; watching documentaries; going to thrift stores and garage sales; brushing my teeth; finding money in pockets; warm laundry, fresh out of the dryer; people-watching; parade candy; a color-coordinated closet; the cold side of the pillowcase; peanut butter; watching game shows, wine; expensive toilet paper; board games; when Ziggy falls asleep in the crook of my neck; handwritten letters; when Ziggy hides his treats and pieces of his food in our shoes and bags; over-sized towels; 90s cartoons; playing little kid games with my three year old cousin Kenlee; Easter egg hunts; handmade jewelry; floral fabric; coloring books; discovering a new author; birthday discounts; warm weather; reading blogs; hearing old songs on the radio; teaching Ziggy new tricks; going to the library; the $5 movie bin at Walmart; bubble gum; witty fortune cookie fortunes; Cosmopolitan magazine; small town cafes; hot showers early in the morning; and sore muscles after a successful workout.

My Dislikes:
Low water pressure, wearing contacts, weddings; laundry; being woken up in the middle of the night by Ziggy; pens exploding in my waitressing apron; writers’ block; buying too much at Target; being allergic to red dye #40; ham; car repairs; pouring a bowl of cereal and then realizing there’s no milk; chipped nail polish; workout videos; shoveling; dusting; having a dirty work uniform; arriving somewhere late; when customers pay in coins; peas; small, tight spaces; cotton balls; leftover food; unpacking; nightmares; migraines; completing financial aid forms; my procrastination; bugs on my windshield; being allergic to cats; mushy grapes; losing at Wii bowling; elevators; sleeping in socks, and wearing socks in general; dead batteries; sitting in cold weather for Jordan’s baseball games; when Ziggy insists on chewing his rawhide right by my face; scratched CDs, and when my car stereo eats my CDs and refuses to give them back; saran wrap; when I accidentally break the yolk of an egg and it quickly becomes a tasteless fried egg; when a book has a bad ending; watching scary movies; living five hours away from my family; waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and then not being able to fall asleep; people who give away the ending to a book or movie; wire hangers; high heels; losing the backs of my earrings; forgetting to pack a toothbrush; my inability to cook; the stupid Disney Vault; waiting for Netflix to get the newest season of a show; people who complain about everything; wrapping presents; roommates; forgetting passwords; tangled wires; not winning in McDonald’s Monopoly; buying the wrong type of light bulb; the trains in Crookston; when they forget to put Arby’s sauce in the bag; when you don’t have enough money for the ice cream man; the minimum wage in North Dakota; the horrible tickle that attacks your throat, and no amount of water can make it go away; how expensive growing up is; the day after Christmas; group projects; sappy commercials; an unorganized food pantry; local business commercials; serving tables with misbehaving kids; playing sports; itchy tags; grass that hurts to walk barefoot in; losing touch with once close friends; smudging wet nail polish; those times when it’s impossible to stop yawning; unknowingly obtaining bruises at work; unpleasant and nosey neighbors; green bean casserole; living without Chipotle for the past two years and having to settle on Qdoba; 3D movies, they make me nauseous; getting carsick as easily as I do; waking up in the middle of the night with both arms completely numb; how judgmental the world can be; missing Ellen Degeneres’ talk show; forgetting sunglasses; standing behind someone tall at a concert; muscle knots; when customers steal my favorite pens; cooking on an electric stove; stepping in soggy grass; forgetting to wash my face before falling asleep; wearing my hair up; large crowds; when I forget my planner; and movie sequels.

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